Wednesday, 14 September 2011

~~also introducing...~~

"Rosco"... not his real name because we all misunderstood daddyT when he was chatting on the phone. this handsome 19-year-old is "Rascal." we do call him Rosco sometime because that is what has stuck in our heads! the two middle T's think The Dukes of Hazzard is the best tv series in the world and so when we heard 'rosco,' immediately thoughts went to 'rosco P coltrane' of the Dukes. thus the nickname. (if you know the Dukes, you will understand why the P is in bold)

this old guy has more energy in his ears than i have in my whole body!

they say the way to a man's heart is through his belly.
we're trying that approach.

Saturday, 10 September 2011


**the third picture will make some squeamish**

mr T3... now 4 years old.....

mr T2... now 6 years old...

(get ready for this one.....)
missT... now 7 1/2 years old...

and number last....
mr T4... now 15 months old!

Thursday, 8 September 2011

~~not paid for this~~

Riding Tornado is my new favorite flick. have any of you watched this movie? it is time well-spent. i mean, it's about a man & his horse (not really his... a stable owner's) ... what more is there to say? even better, it's about a messed up man and his messed up horse and they find healing in trusting each other. you can preview it on amazon.

my 'not-so-cowboy' husband thinks it moved too slowly but in my opinion, it was a good speed for the type of story it is.

one of the favorite concepts presented in it is that so many christians feel that to be healed from brokeness is to be perfect and it's in our brokenness that we are perfected. i love that.

anyway, if you're up for a quiet movie night and need something edifying, here ya go.