One of my favorite songs:
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i love spontaneous outings. mrT and i never have to 'plan to be spontaneous.' we just are. i mean, who can plan getting stuck at 9:00 pm and having to call the neighbor with the 4X4 to get us out? curious what happened?
instead of turning onto our driveway, my darling husband headed down the mostly dry clay trail/driveway straight off the end of the road. it meanders past several fields, swamps, and pastures. in the lowest spots there is proof that this isn't the best place to drive a mini-van... especially one that rides a little too low and is rear wheel drive! as we were nearing the regular turn-around place, i spotted a 'white bum' way, WAY back in an adjacent field. (white bum = mule deer). it was h-u-g-e. as it turned, mrT said 'elk!' and got the caveman/hunter look in his eye. we didn't turn around.
instead we continued down this road-turned-narrow-trail in search of the big one. truly, it was the one that got away.... we turned around... we got stuck... the boys thought it was wonderful... missT voiced her concerns: we're DOOMED!
it took a lot of work getting out. rock forward, stuff sticks/logs under the wheels; rock backward, do the same, only on the other side of the tire. it took a lot of back'n'forth before we could get enough run at the rut, now with a 4" thick log in it, to pop the front tires out of the rut. even so, we drove up the hill kinda sideways because the rear end of the van refused to surrender. (yes, i chose that word carefully)
when i had a minute with the children, i told them how being stuck in the rut was so much like our lives. it's easy to disobey or lie or cheat or ___________ (you name your particular sin) and stay in that rut. BUT!!! we have Jesus. he wants to help us out of our sin and, truly, He is the only way we can be truly free. the important thing to remember is that we have to surrender all of ourself so we don't go sideways through life.